

We are the ONLY studio in the quad cities to offer THIS


Gyrotonic Method


GYROTONIC® exercise is an innovative mind-body exercise method that takes you where no other exercise system does. This unique and brilliant method was developed by former dancer and gymnast, Juliu Horvath, who drew his inspiration from yoga, tai chi, dance and swimming. Gyrotonic workouts go beyond the usual linear movement that we get from most forms of exercise, and instead bring your body through 3-dimensional, circular, spiraling movements using specialized equipment. The Gyrotonic Pulley Tower’s handles, weights, and pulleys enable your body to move in a way that builds strength while simultaneously expanding and stretching the body.

The exercises are a webbing of continuous flowing movement with corresponding rhythmic and breath patterns that will help to stimulate the nervous system, increase energy and vitality, build a strong core and increase joint mobility.

  • Gyrotonic exercise is used to enhance athletic performance among professional dancers, golfers, basketball players and all types of athletes. It is effective for general conditioning for those of all ages and fitness levels, and is commonly used as a rehabilitative tool.

    • Strengthens the core (back, abdomen and pelvis)

    • Simultaneously strengthens and stretches muscle

    • Enhances joint mobility & articulation

    • Frees the body of pain and restrictions

    • Improves coordination and balance

    • Increases circulation of blood and balances the flow of energy through the body

    • Enhances athletic performance

    • Compliments physical therapy & other rehabilitative body work

    • Increases the functional capacity of the entire body in a harmonious way

    • Stimulates and strengthens the nervous system